Ideas From The
ScaryGuys Haunted Web!
From Bob Sprong -
Try using malabu lighting, If they're too bright,
you CAN use a dimmer in series. All the kits are relatvely cheap, and
the plastic is so flexible, you can cut the shades into 2/3s of a circle
and they still hold on well. perfect to illuminate a graveyard!
cellophane gift wrap as gels or filters. This stuff comes in
a wide variety of colors. And you get eough to last you the rest of your
"unatural life" and you never have to find colored bulbs again! Trim out
part of the lens bowl of the walkway lite, and you can use a gobo to cast
shadows! I plan to buy a set and use bungee cords to set up floodlights
in the trees for a hunted graveyard. (Need big trees, saplings suck.)
Just wrap around a bungee around a branch, (knot it to take up slack,)
then, slip the floodlight stake between the bungee and the branch. It'll
light up the branches real nice, cool with gels! The wire is pretty forgiving,
as it's ment to be buried. Great cable to use to wire up electrical stuff
in props, use as signal wire to solonoids, even speaker wire! ($8.00 =
100' "Haunt" Depot, Lowe's, Builder's Sq. etc.) If it's black, it's got
to be good!
From Dean Rohs -
The Wheel Of MISfortune
- I thought you might be interested in a project I did several years ago
that the kids really loved. Nothing special or high-tech, but fun, none
the less. I called it "The Wheel Of MISfortune", based on the
similar game show. I used an old round card table as my wheel. I painted
it white and divided it up into eight equal wedges. Then I attached various
gruesome body parts...eyes...arms...a brain...a foot. I splattered the
whole thing with blood and even added a little clicker at the top.
The concept is simple. It's the game where EVERYBODY loses. . I painted
signs I stuck in the yard with sayings like "Spin The Wheel...Lose
An Organ' and, "Everyone's A Loser" I dressed up like a morbid
game show host and ran the show. What's great about this is it's morbid
humor and it's interactive ~~ the trick or treaters get to choose their
own fate. Every year people ask when the "Wheel" is coming back.
This year I displayed a coffin big enough for me to jump out of and a
working guillotine complete with victim and reseverable head. This works
great with a strobe light and a couple CD's playing horror movie theme
From Doug Haffner -
Doug sent a photo of his excellent Throne - great work!
The Crypt Chair, by Howard Kennedy -
Here's several photos sent in from Howard on a quite elaborate crypt scene
he constructed.
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